
Servicios de Capacitación:

   VDA 6.3

Diseño, Implementación, Auditoria Interna, Apoyo en  el Proceso  de Certificación.

Training Services:

   VDA 6.3

Design, Implementation, Internal Audit, Support in the Certification Process.

Servicios de Consultoría Consulting Services
Servicios de Inspección Inspection Services
Servicios de Auditoría Audit Services

Nosotros nos especializamos y disfrutamos la implementación del proceso de ADMINISTRACION DEL DISEÑO, de productos y servicios, certificable en los SGC actuales, pensando siempre en el costo - beneficio, con valor agregado a su negocio.

We specialize in and enjoy the implementation of the DESIGN MANAGEMENT process, of products and services, certifiable in current QMS, always thinking about the cost - benefit, with added value to your business.

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Pre Shipment Inspection (PSI)

PSI is a part of quality control method for checking the quality of goods. PSI is a vital part of supply chain management. PSI occurs when at least 80% of the products are manufactured. A sample of products is selected and a series of tests are performed to control functions, weight, measurements, packaging, and barcodes.



How a Pre-Shipment Inspection Works

1.- Inspection requirements.

2.- Sampling plan.

3.- Inspection checklist.

4.- Arrive at the factory

5.- Check product quantity.

6.- Verify product specification

7.- Draw random samples.

8.- Check product workmanship and appearance.

9.- Visual Inspection.

10.- Product-Specific Testing (On-site test).

11.- Examine packaging.

12.- Check labeling and Barcode Verification.

13.- Conformity Check

14.- Inspection report.


design03 desing01
En la norma ISO-9001:20015, el punto 8.3 nos habla del "Diseño y desarrollo de productos y servicios". Con este procedimiento documentado el cliente espera que el proveedor tenga orden y disciplina para implementar nuevos procesos o adaptarlos existentes para obtener el nuevo producto o servicio. Nunca se estableció este punto de la norma para "inventar" nuevos productos. Claro está que implementar este punto de la norma se requiere conocimiento, habilidad y experiencia, en varios productos por varios años.
In the ISO-9001:20015 standard, point 8.3 talks about "Design and development of products and services". With this documented procedure, the client expects the provider to have order and discipline to implement new processes or adapt existing ones to obtain the new product or service. This point of the norm to "invent" new products was never established. Of course, implementing this point of the standard requires knowledge, skill and experience, in various products for several years.
Core Tools
Tablero01 Quality must be present in each of the phases of the production processes of a product or service. Through Visual Quality Management, in a general tour of the facilities you can see the implementation and use of a Quality System, which must be known and used by all collaborators.

The Quality System in Folders and/or Computers, generated by engineers who are not present in each phase of the processes, is a dead letter, even though it is Certified. It does not generate added value, it generates an expense because it was only focused on complying with a standard, and not on being an investment and a tool for the company.

We can help the company to revive and implement its Quality System, even if this Certificate.

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WS +52 (415) 103 9145

2003 - 2024